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Tommy's Trek - Division

A fun platformer game that helps develop addition skills. Lots of choice over level. This game will work on any device.

Use the arrow keys to move Tommy. The ctrl key makes him jump and the up arrow selects a number.

1. Half of numbers to 20 (Y1)

2. Division facts for the 2 times table (Y2)

3. Division facts for the 5 times table (Y2)

4. Division facts for the 10 times table (Y2)

5. Derive and use halves of simple two-digit even numbers (Y2)

6. Division facts for the 3 times table (Y3)

7. Division facts for the 4 times table (Y3)

8. Division facts for the 8 times table (Y3)

9. Halve numbers up to 200 (Y3)

10. Division facts for the 6 times table (Y4)

11. Division facts for the 7 times table (Y4)

12. Division facts for the 9 times table (Y4)

13. Division facts for the 11 times table (Y4)

14. Division facts for the 12 times table (Y4)

15. Halve decimals (1dp) (Y4)

16. Halve decimals (2dp) (Y5)





Scan to open this game on a mobile device. Right-click to copy and paste it onto a homework sheet.